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rare expressions are handlebars-like in their ability to process data with helpers, and format to a new view of the data. We chose not to do straight handlebars or go-templating due to the performance concern that comes with it (Processing millions upon millions of templates isn't the use-case html processors were meant for)


The syntax for rare-expressions looks like this: {1} {bucket {2} 100}.

The basic syntax structure is as follows:

  • Anything not surrounded by {} is a literal
  • Characters can be escaped with \, including \{ or \n
  • Expressions are surrounded by {}.
  • An integer in an expression denotes a matched value from the regex (or other input) eg. {2}. The entire match will always be {0}
  • A string in an expression is a special key or a named regex group eg. {src} or {group1}
  • When an expression has space(s), the first literal will be the name of a helper function. From there, the logic is nested. eg {coalesce {4} {3} notfound}
  • Quotes in an argument create a single argument eg. {coalesce {4} {3} "not found"}
  • Truthiness is the presence of a value. False is an empty value (or only whitespace)

Special Keys

The following are special Keys:

  • {src} The source name (eg filename). stdin when read from stdin
  • {line} The line numbers of the current match
  • {.} Returns all matched values with match names as JSON
  • {#} Returns all matched numbered values as JSON
  • {.#} Returned numbered and named matches as JSON
  • {@} All extracted matches in array form


You can test and benchmark expressions with the rare expression command. For example

$ rare expression -d 15 -d 20 -k key=30 "The sum is {sumi {0} {1} {key}}"
The sum is 65


You can add custom functions to rare using a Funcs File


Parsing an nginx access.log file


rare histo \
    -m '"(\w{3,4}) ([A-Za-z0-9/.@_-]+).*" (\d{3}) (\d+)' \
    -e "{1} {2} {bytesize {bucket {4} 10000}}" \
    -i "{lt {4} {multi 1024 1024}}" \
    -b access.log

The above parses the method {1}, url {2}, status {3}, and response size {4} in the regex.

It extracts the <method> <url> <bytesize bucketed to 10k>. It will ignore -i if response size {4} is less-than 1024*1024 (1MB).

Parsing nginx into named groups


rare histo \
    -m '"(?P<method>\w{3,4}) (?P<url>[A-Za-z0-9/.@_-]+).*" (?P<status>\d{3}) (?P<size>\d+)' \
    -e "{method} {url} {bytesize {bucket {size} 10000}}" \
    -b access.log

In addition to extracting the same number-groups as above, in this case, it will also extract the named-keys of {method}, {url}, {status}, and {size}.


Note on literals: Some functions take in constant/literals as 1 or more arguments within the expressions. These literals will be evaluated during compile-time, rather than aggregation-time, and will be treated as a literal. They are denoted below in quotes.

Arguments surrounded by [] are optional.



Syntax: {coalesce ...}

Evaluates arguments in-order, chosing the first non-empty result.

Select Field

Syntax: {select {0} 1}

Assuming that {0} is a whitespace-separated value, split the values and select the item at index 1

Eg. {select "ab cd ef" 1} will result in cd


Syntax: {bucket intVal "bucketSize"}

Given a value, create equal-sized buckets and place each value in those buckets


Syntax: {expbucket intVal}

Create exponentially (base-10) increase buckets.


Sumi, Subi, Multi, Divi

Syntax: {sumi ...}, {subi ...}, {multi ...}, {divi ...}

Evaluates integers using operator from left to right. Requires at least 2 arguments.

Eg: {sumi 1 2 3} will result in 6

Maxi, Mini

Syntax: {maxi ...}, {mini ...}

Picks the larger or smallest integer, respectively

Eg: {mini 3 4 1} will result in 1

Sumf, Subf, Multf, Divf

Syntax: {sumf ...}, {subf ...}, {multf ...}, {divf ...}

Evaluates floating points using operator from left to right. Requires at least 2 arguments.

Eg: {sumf 1 2 3} will result in 6

Floor, Ceil, Round

Syntax: {floor val}, {ceil val}, {round val [precision=0]}

Returns the floor, ceil, or rounded format of a floating-point number.

Eg: {floor 123.765} will result in 123


Syntax: {clamp intVal "min" "max"}

Clamps a given input intVal between min and max. If falls outside bucket, returns the word "min" or "max" as appropriate. If you wish to not see these values, you can filter with --ignore


Syntax: {len string}

Returns the length of the provided string. eg. the string of hello returns 5.


If, Unless

Syntax: {if val ifTrue ifFalse}, {if val ifTrue}, {unless val ifFalse}

If val is truthy, then return ifTrue else optionally return ifFalse


Syntax: {switch ifTrue val ifTrue val ... [ifFalseVal]}

In pairs, if a given value is truthy, return the value immediately after. If there is an odd number of arguments, the last value is used as the "else" result. Otherwise, empty string is returned.

Equals, NotEquals, Not

Syntax: {eq a b}, {neq a b}, {not a}

Uses truthy-logic to evaluate equality.

  • eq: If a == b, will return "1", otherwise ""
  • neq: If a != b, will return "1", otherwise ""
  • not: If a == "", will return "1", otherwise ""

LessThan, GreaterThan, LessThanEqual, GreaterThanEqual

Syntax: {lt a b}, {gt a b}, {lte a b}, {gte a b}

Uses truthy-logic to compare two integers.

And, Or

Syntax: {and ...}, {or ...}

Uses truthy logic and applies and or or to the values.

  • and: All arguments need to be truthy
  • or: At least one argument needs to be truthy

Like, Prefix, Suffix

Syntax: {like val contains}, {prefix val startsWith}, {suffix val endsWith}

Truthy check if a value contains a sub-value, starts with, or ends with

IsInt, IsNum

Syntax: {isint val}, {isnum val}

Returns truthy if the val is an integer (isint), or a floating point (isnum)



Syntax: {format "%s" ...}

Formats a string based on fmt.Sprintf: Go Docs


Syntax: {substr {0} pos length}

Takes the substring of the first argument starting at pos for length

Upper, Lower

Syntax: {upper val}, {lower val}

Converts a string to all-upper or all-lower case


Syntax: {repeat "string" {numtimes}}

Repeats the "string" the specified number of times

Humanize Number (Add Commas)

Syntax: {hf val}, {hi val}, {percent number [precision=1]}

  • hf: Float
  • hi: Int
  • percent: format as a percentage

Formats a number based with appropriate placement of commas and decimals


Syntax: {bytesize intVal [precision=0]}

Create a human-readable byte-size format (eg 1024 = 1KB). An optional precision allows adding decimals.



Syntax: {tab a b c ...}

Concatenates the values of the arguments separated by a table character.


Syntax: {csv a b c}

Generate a CSV row given a set of values

Arrays / Null Separator

Syntax: {$ a b c}

Concatenates a set of arguments with a null separator. Commonly used to form arrays that have meaning for a given aggregator.

Specifying multiple expressions is equivalent, eg. {$ a b} is the same as -e a -e b

File Loading and Lookup Tables

Load external static content as either raw string, or to be used to lookup a value given a key.


Syntax: {load "filename"}

Loads a given filename as text.

To globally disable file loading in expressions for security reasons, specify --noload as global argument.

Lookup, HasKey

Syntax: {lookup key "kv-pairs" ["commentPrefix"]}, {haskey key "kv-pairs" ["commentPrefix"]}

Given a set of kv-pairs (eg. from a loaded file), lookup a key. For lookup return a value and for haskey return truthy or falsey.

If a commentPrefix is provided, lines in lookup text are ignored if they start with the prefix.

Example kv-pairs text. Keys and values are separated by any whitespace.

key1 val1
key2 val2
#comment if '#' set as prefix
key3 val3

#blank lines are ignored
too many values are also ignored

Ranges (Arrays)

Range functions provide the ability to work with arrays in expressions. You can create an array either manually with the {@ ...} function or by {@split ...} a string into an array.

Array Definition

Syntax: {@ ele0 ele1 ele2} ({$ ele0 ele1 ele2} is equivalent)

Creates an array with the provided elements. Use {@} for an array of all matches.


Syntax: {@len <arr>}

Returns the length of an array. Empty "" returns 0, a literal will be 1.

Note: This is a linear-time operation.


Syntax: {@in <val> <arr>} or {@in <val> {@ val0 val1 val2 ...}}

Returns truthy if a given val is contained within the array.


Syntax: {@split <arr> ["delim"]}

Splits a string into an array with the separating delim. If delim isn't specified, " " will be used.


Syntax: {@join <arr> ["delim"]}

Re-joins an array back into a string. If delim is empty, it will be " "


Syntax: {@map <arr> <mapfunc>}

Evaluates mapfunc against each element in the array. In mapfunc, {0} is the current element. The function must be surrounded by quotes.

For example, given the array [1,2,3], and the function {@map {array} "{multi {0} 2}"} will output [2,4,6].


Syntax: {@reduce <arr> <reducefunc> [initial=""]}

Evaluates reducefunc against each element and a memo. {0} is the memo, and {1} is the current value.

For example, given the array [1,2,3], and the function {@reduce {array} "{sumi {0} {1}}"}, it will return 6.

If initial is unset, it will use arr[0] as the initial value.


Syntax: {@filter <arr> <filterfunc>}

Evaluates filterfunc for each element. If truthy, item will be in resulting array. If false, it will be omitted. {0} will be the value examined.

For example, given the array [1,abc,23,efg], and the function {@filter {array} "{isnum {0}}"} will return [1,23].


Syntax: {@select <arr> "index"}

Selects a single item at an index out of array.


Syntax: {@slice <arr> "begin" ["length"]}

Gets a slice of an array. If begin is a negative number, will start from the end.

Examples: (Array [1,2,3,4])

  • {@slice {array} 1} - [2,3,4]
  • {@slice {array} 1 1} - [2]
  • {@slice {array} -2} - [3,4]
  • {@slice {array} -2 1} - [3]



Syntax: {color "color" {string}}

Available colors: Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White

Note: If colors are disabled, no color will be shown.

Colorizes the 2nd argument.


Syntax: {bar {val} "maxVal" "length" ["scale"]}

Note: If unicode is disabled, will use pipe character

Draws a "bar" with the length (val / maxVal) * length

Scale can be linear, log10, or log2 (Default: lienar)


Syntax: {basename a/b/c}, {dirname a/b/c}, {extname a/b/c.jpg}

Selects the base, directory, or extension of a path.

  • basename a/b/c = c
  • dirname a/b/c = a/b
  • extname a/b/c.jpg = .jpg


Syntax: {json field expression} or {json expression}

Extract a JSON value based on the expression statement from gjson

When only 1 argument is present, it will assume the JSON is in {0} (Full match)

See: json for more information.


Time Parsing

Syntax: {time str "[format:cache]" "[tz:utc]"}

Parse a given time-string into a unix second time (default format: cache)

Format Auto-Detection

If the format argument is ommitted or set to "auto", it will attempt to resolve the format of the time.

If the format is unable to be resolved, it must be specified manually with a format below, or a custom format.

If ommitted or "cache": The first seen date will determine the format for all dates going forward (faster)

If "auto": The date format will be auto-detected with each parse. This can be used if the date could be in different formats (slower)


The following values are accepted for a tz (timezone): utc, local, or a valid IANA Time Zone

By default, all datetimes are processed as UTC, unless explicit in the datetime itself, or overridden via a parameter.

Time Values

Syntax: {time now}

These are special values to output:

  • now - return the current unix timestamp cached at the start of rare
  • live - return the current unix timestamp the moment it's executed
  • delta - return the number of seconds that rare has executed

Time Format

Syntax: {timeformat unixtime "[format:RFC3339]" "[tz:utc]"}

Takes a unix time, and formats it (default: RFC3339)

To reformat a time, you need to parse it first, eg: {timeformat {time {0}} RFC3339}

Supported Formats: ANSIC, UNIX, RUBY, RFC822, RFC822Z, RFC1123, RFC1123Z, RFC3339, RFC3339, RFC3339N, NGINX


Custom formats: You can provide a custom format using go's well-known date. Here's an exercept from the docs:

To define your own format, write down what the reference time would look like formatted your way; see the values of constants like ANSIC, StampMicro or Kitchen for examples. The model is to demonstrate what the reference time looks like so that the Format and Parse methods can apply the same transformation to a general time value.

The reference time used in the layouts is the specific time: Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006

Time Attribute

Syntax: {timeattr unixtime attr [tz:utc]"}

Extracts an attribute about a given datetime

Supports: weekday, week, yearweek, quarter


Syntax: {duration dur}

Use a duration expressed in s,m,h and convert it to seconds eg {duration 24h}

From there, you can do arithmatic on time, for instance: {sumi {time now} {duration 1h}}

Format Duration

Syntax: {durationformat secs}

Formats a duration (in seconds) to a human-readable time, (eg. 4h0m0s)

Time Bucket

Syntax: {buckettime str bucket "[format]" "[tz:utc]"}

Truncate the time to a given bucket (nano, second, minute, hour, day, month, year)


The following error strings may be returned while compiling or evaluating your expression

const (
    ErrorType     = "<BAD-TYPE>"    // Error parsing the principle value of the input because of unexpected type
    ErrorParsing  = "<PARSE-ERROR>" // Error parsing the principle value of the input (non-numeric)
    ErrorArgCount = "<ARGN>"        // Function to not support a variation with the given argument count
    ErrorConst    = "<CONST>"       // Expected constant value
    ErrorEnum     = "<ENUM>"        // A given value is not contained within a set
    ErrorArgName  = "<NAME>"        // A variable accessed by a given name does not exist
    ErrorEmpty    = "<EMPTY>"       // A value was expected, but was empty