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Simple Text

Histogram Values in Text File

$ cat input.txt

$ rare histo input.txt
1                   3         
0                   1         
2                   1         
3                   1         

Matched: 6 / 6 (Groups: 4)

Extract Numbers from Text

$ rare filter --match "(\d+)" input.txt

Extract matched value as JSON

$ rare f --match "(?P<val>\d+)" -e "{.}" simple.log
{"val": 1}
{"val": 2}
{"val": 1}

Histogram of Numbers in Text

$ rare histo --match "(\d+)" -e "{1}" -x input.txt
1                   3         
0                   1         
2                   1         
3                   1         

Matched: 6 / 6 (Groups: 4)

# Or with Bars/percentages
./rare histo --match "(\d+)" -e "{1}" -x simple.log
1                   7          [58.3%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3                   2          [16.7%] ||||||||||||||
2                   2          [16.7%] ||||||||||||||
0                   1          [ 8.3%] |||||||

Matched: 12 / 12 (Groups: 4)

# Logarithmic Scale
./rare histo --match "(\d+)" -e "{1}" --scale log10 -x simple.log
1                   7          [58.3%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3                   2          [16.7%] |||||||||||||||
2                   2          [16.7%] |||||||||||||||
0                   1          [ 8.3%] 

Matched: 12 / 12 (Groups: 4)


Example line: - - [19/Aug/2019:02:26:25 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 546 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98 Safari/537.4 (StatusCake)"

Highlight / Extract HTTP Code and Size

# Will colorize HTTP code and size in full log
$ rare filter -m "(\d{3}) (\d+)" access.log

# Will only display http code and size
$ rare filter -m "(\d{3}) (\d+)" -e "{1} {2}" access.log

HTTP Status Histogram

Parse error codes and graph in a histogram

$ rare h -m "\" (\d+)" -e "{1}" -z -x testdata/*

404                 5,557,374  [66.4%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
200                 2,564,984  [30.6%] |||||||||||||||||||||||
400                 243,282    [ 2.9%] ||
405                 5,708      [ 0.1%]
408                 1,397      [ 0.0%]
Matched: 8,373,328 / 8,383,717 (Groups: 8)

Extracting Page Sizes

Page sizes, ignoring 0-sized pages

$ rare h -m "\" (\d+) (\d+)" -e "{bytesize {bucket {2} 1024}}" -i "{lt {2} 1024}" -z -x testdata/*

234 KB              3,602      [14.6%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
149 KB              2,107      [ 8.5%] |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
193 KB              1,519      [ 6.2%] |||||||||||||||||||||
192 KB              1,470      [ 6.0%] ||||||||||||||||||||
191 KB              1,421      [ 5.8%] |||||||||||||||||||
Matched: 24,693 / 8,383,717 (Groups: 96) (Ignored: 8,348,635)

Extract number of bytes sent by bucket, and format

This shows an example of how to bucket the values into size of 1000. In this case, it doesn't make sense to see the histogram by number of bytes, but we might want to know the ratio of various orders-of-magnitudes.

$ rare histo -m '"(\w{3,4}) ([A-Za-z0-9/.]+).*" (\d{3}) (\d+)' -e "{bucket {4} 10000}" -n 10 -b access.log
0                   144239     ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
190000              2599       
10000               1290       
180000              821        
20000               496        
30000               445        
40000               440        
200000              427        
140000              323        
70000               222        
Matched: 161622 / 161622
Groups:  1203

Table of URLs to HTTP Status

Know how your URLs are responding by their http statuses

$ rare t -m "\"(\w+) (.+).*\" (\d+) (\d+)" -e "{$ {3} {substr {2} 0 20}}" -z testdata/*

                     404                  200                  400
/ HTTP/1.1           0                    127,624              5,681
/ HTTP/1.0           0                    5,222                0
/test.php HTTP/1.1   3,241                0                    0
/1.php HTTP/1.1      2,508                0                    0
/qq.php HTTP/1.1     1,908                0                    0
/index.php HTTP/1.1  1,776                0                    0
/shell.php HTTP/1.1  1,750                0                    0
/cmd.php HTTP/1.1    1,588                0                    0
/x.php HTTP/1.1      1,573                0                    0
/log.php HTTP/1.1    1,261                0                    0
/confg.php HTTP/1.1  1,253                0                    0
/api.php HTTP/1.1    1,241                0                    0
/ss.php HTTP/1.1     1,233                0                    0
/mirror/distros/vlit 0                    1,122                0
/robots.txt HTTP/1.1 1,056                0                    0
/vendor/phpunit/phpu 1,055                0                    0
/aaa.php HTTP/1.1    954                  0                    0
/hell.php HTTP/1.1   948                  0                    0
/z.php HTTP/1.1      948                  0                    0
Matched: 465,348 / 470,163 (R: 2396; C: 8)

Heatmap of Requests per Week

$ rare heatmap -m '\[(.+?)\].*" (\d+)' -e "{timeattr {time {1}} yearweek}" -e "{2}" access.log

    - 0    4 22,602    9 45,204
200 11--111111-11111-111111111-1111111-111111-11111-1111-11--1-1-
206 -------------------------------------------------------------
301 -------------------------------------------------------------
304 -------------------------------------------------------------
400 -------------------------------------------------------------
404 33415264914143253212111-1411-13-131-1312-122111--13-1-1-13211
405 -------------------------------------------------------------
408 -------------------------------------------------------------
Matched: 1,035,666 / 1,035,666 (R: 8; C: 61)

Bargraph status codes per year

NOTE: For stacking (-s), the results will be color-coded (not shown here)

$ rare bars -z -m "\[(.+?)\].*\" (\d+)" -e "{buckettime {1} year}" -e "{2}" -s testdata/*

        0 200  1 206  2 301  3 304  4 400  5 404  6 405  7 408
2019  000000000555555555555555555555555555555  3,742,444
2020  0000000000000000004455555555555555555555555555555  4,631,884
Matched: 8,374,328 / 8,384,811