Please feel free to contribute your own examples on github
Simple Text¶
Histogram Values in Text File¶
$ cat input.txt
$ rare histo input.txt
1 3
0 1
2 1
3 1
Matched: 6 / 6 (Groups: 4)
Extract Numbers from Text¶
$ rare filter --match "(\d+)" input.txt
Extract matched value as JSON¶
$ rare f --match "(?P<val>\d+)" -e "{.}" simple.log
{"val": 1}
{"val": 2}
{"val": 1}
Histogram of Numbers in Text¶
$ rare histo --match "(\d+)" -e "{1}" -x input.txt
1 3
0 1
2 1
3 1
Matched: 6 / 6 (Groups: 4)
# Or with Bars/percentages
./rare histo --match "(\d+)" -e "{1}" -x simple.log
1 7 [58.3%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 2 [16.7%] ||||||||||||||
2 2 [16.7%] ||||||||||||||
0 1 [ 8.3%] |||||||
Matched: 12 / 12 (Groups: 4)
# Logarithmic Scale
./rare histo --match "(\d+)" -e "{1}" --scale log10 -x simple.log
1 7 [58.3%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 2 [16.7%] |||||||||||||||
2 2 [16.7%] |||||||||||||||
0 1 [ 8.3%]
Matched: 12 / 12 (Groups: 4)
Example line: - - [19/Aug/2019:02:26:25 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 546 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98 Safari/537.4 (StatusCake)"
Highlight / Extract HTTP Code and Size¶
# Will colorize HTTP code and size in full log
$ rare filter -m "(\d{3}) (\d+)" access.log
# Will only display http code and size
$ rare filter -m "(\d{3}) (\d+)" -e "{1} {2}" access.log
HTTP Status Histogram¶
Parse error codes and graph in a histogram
$ rare h -m "\" (\d+)" -e "{1}" -z -x testdata/*
404 5,557,374 [66.4%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
200 2,564,984 [30.6%] |||||||||||||||||||||||
400 243,282 [ 2.9%] ||
405 5,708 [ 0.1%]
408 1,397 [ 0.0%]
Matched: 8,373,328 / 8,383,717 (Groups: 8)
Extracting Page Sizes¶
Page sizes, ignoring 0-sized pages
$ rare h -m "\" (\d+) (\d+)" -e "{bytesize {bucket {2} 1024}}" -i "{lt {2} 1024}" -z -x testdata/*
234 KB 3,602 [14.6%] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
149 KB 2,107 [ 8.5%] |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
193 KB 1,519 [ 6.2%] |||||||||||||||||||||
192 KB 1,470 [ 6.0%] ||||||||||||||||||||
191 KB 1,421 [ 5.8%] |||||||||||||||||||
Matched: 24,693 / 8,383,717 (Groups: 96) (Ignored: 8,348,635)
Extract number of bytes sent by bucket, and format¶
This shows an example of how to bucket the values into size of 1000
. In this case, it doesn't make
sense to see the histogram by number of bytes, but we might want to know the ratio of various orders-of-magnitudes.
$ rare histo -m '"(\w{3,4}) ([A-Za-z0-9/.]+).*" (\d{3}) (\d+)' -e "{bucket {4} 10000}" -n 10 -b access.log
0 144239 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
190000 2599
10000 1290
180000 821
20000 496
30000 445
40000 440
200000 427
140000 323
70000 222
Matched: 161622 / 161622
Groups: 1203
Table of URLs to HTTP Status¶
Know how your URLs are responding by their http statuses
$ rare t -m "\"(\w+) (.+).*\" (\d+) (\d+)" -e "{$ {3} {substr {2} 0 20}}" -z testdata/*
404 200 400
/ HTTP/1.1 0 127,624 5,681
/ HTTP/1.0 0 5,222 0
/test.php HTTP/1.1 3,241 0 0
/1.php HTTP/1.1 2,508 0 0
/qq.php HTTP/1.1 1,908 0 0
/index.php HTTP/1.1 1,776 0 0
/shell.php HTTP/1.1 1,750 0 0
/cmd.php HTTP/1.1 1,588 0 0
/x.php HTTP/1.1 1,573 0 0
/log.php HTTP/1.1 1,261 0 0
/confg.php HTTP/1.1 1,253 0 0
/api.php HTTP/1.1 1,241 0 0
/ss.php HTTP/1.1 1,233 0 0
/mirror/distros/vlit 0 1,122 0
/robots.txt HTTP/1.1 1,056 0 0
/vendor/phpunit/phpu 1,055 0 0
/aaa.php HTTP/1.1 954 0 0
/hell.php HTTP/1.1 948 0 0
/z.php HTTP/1.1 948 0 0
Matched: 465,348 / 470,163 (R: 2396; C: 8)
Heatmap of Requests per Week¶
$ rare heatmap -m '\[(.+?)\].*" (\d+)' -e "{timeattr {time {1}} yearweek}" -e "{2}" access.log
- 0 4 22,602 9 45,204
200 11--111111-11111-111111111-1111111-111111-11111-1111-11--1-1-
206 -------------------------------------------------------------
301 -------------------------------------------------------------
304 -------------------------------------------------------------
400 -------------------------------------------------------------
404 33415264914143253212111-1411-13-131-1312-122111--13-1-1-13211
405 -------------------------------------------------------------
408 -------------------------------------------------------------
Matched: 1,035,666 / 1,035,666 (R: 8; C: 61)
Bargraph status codes per year¶
NOTE: For stacking (-s
), the results will be color-coded (not shown here)
$ rare bars -z -m "\[(.+?)\].*\" (\d+)" -e "{buckettime {1} year}" -e "{2}" -s testdata/*
0 200 1 206 2 301 3 304 4 400 5 404 6 405 7 408
2019 000000000555555555555555555555555555555 3,742,444
2020 0000000000000000004455555555555555555555555555555 4,631,884
Matched: 8,374,328 / 8,384,811